Tag Archives: Carthage

Carthago Delenda Est




Parmi les ruines antiques
De quelque cité Biblique,
ou Romaine,
marchent des touristes blasés
l’air affreusement compassé.
Ils se fichent des fleurs
qui poussent entre les pierres,
cette cité est la leur,
ils ont payé assez cher !
C’est bien pour cela d’ailleurs
qu’ils peuvent tout piétiner.
Les années qui ont passé
donnent le droit de voler
des fragments de Pompéi,
des morceaux de l’Acropole,
car sinon ils s’ennuient.
“On se croirait à l’école :
ce vieux guide rabougri
parle d’un temps révolu”
Ils prennent des photographies
pour épater les amis
“Avec le flash on voit mieux la statue”
Disent les pilleurs de tombeaux.

Continue reading Carthago Delenda Est

Praha 31, photograph by Viona Ielegems: http://www.viona-art.com/

Graveyards and the City


When I was a child, I was afraid of graveyards – and skeletons. They reminded me too much of death. I thought that if I liked something related to death, death would become more meaningful and I did want to negate it.

I avoided graveyards as much as I could, for instance I looked in the other direction each time I had to walk past one, and felt really uncomfortable when I had to enter a cemetary.

However as I grew up, I got more and more inclined towards darker styles, and felt a strange fascination with graveyard scenes in books, then graveyards themselves. I guess trying to embrace such symbols is a way of coping with mortality for me, better than shunning it. It doesn’t work that much, but I have discovered a lot of amazing artworks and places!

When I was a student, my English teacher asked us to make presentations related to the city. I did one on cemeteries.

I began my presentation with a riddle: “There is one in nearly each city. It’s a place full of history, art, architecture, inspiration, nature and crowded with famous people. Guess what I am talking about!”

Nobody guessed. Then I spoke about the London Magnificent Seven, the Tophet in Carthage, Jewish cemeteries, San Michele in Venice, I told them about wildlife and nature in abandoned cemeteries and I shew them some paintings with cemeteries.

More articles to come! The next one: The Graveyard Scene!

(image: Olsany Cemetery, Prague. Praha 31, photograph by Viona Ielegems: http://www.viona-art.com/)